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Thursday, July 21, 2011


Ok, so I'm going to admit it.  Shoes are my weakness.  Yes my weakness is something that makes my feet hurt,blister and feel cramped (because I have fat feet.) BUT shoes also make me taller (bonus) make my feet look pretty and make my leg look longer. I just love shoes.  They totally make an outfit.  So lets face it ladies.  We all LOVE shoes.  It doesn't matter if they're black, pink or periwinkle, stiletto, wedge, or chunky, or if they make us curse the brand or that there's no support in them, We still wear them and feel good in them and we know that at the end of the day we can take them off and get an amazing foot rub (if needed) from our friends, hubby, or partner!

My point to this blog posting is that I just found another amazing pair of shoes...  They are absolutely beautiful and make me feel amazing!  They're high, sexy and the best part is that they are created by BARBIE! The second best part about these shoes is the DEAL that I got on them. 
Original prince: $140 I got them on sale for $39!!
These are so not a shoe I would wear to stampede or the mall,  but definitely to a dinner date where ya walk into a restaurant sit down for an hour go home and take em off!  Check them out and let me know what ya think by "posting a comment!"  Thanks Girls!  (yes i know they rock!)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chad and Alesha

Well today I had the privilege of taking pics of the amazingly engaged couple Chad and Alesha. What a fun couple to capture.  Their love is so evident and the smiles didn't stop coming............Chad we had to work with, but they are so meant for each other.  Its crazy how love can show in a picture. As I began to edit them, I just got all giddy and excited for them.  Alesha I SO beautiful and fun to photograph.  Chads sense of humor added to the pics with a little "goofy-ness" which was fun.  After driving all over the city and playing with the lighting we had a great time and I'm so excited to see the pics after they get married! Congrats you two, Love ya both.  xoxo

Monday, July 4, 2011

Long Weekend to Abbotsford!

So summer has FINALLY arrived, and Douglas and I decided to get away from the worries of life and go visit my family in BC. After 10 hours of driving there, we finally made it past the mud slide and through the rockies to beautiful Abbotsford, BC.  We were welcomed with loving arms of my cousin Jill and her hubby John, and their OH-So-CUTE boy Max.  It was quite a treat being hosted by them.  They took us across the border shopping and had an excellent BBQ on the Friday night.  On Saturday, Douglas and I drove to the coast line to White Rock and saw just that...the big White rock that has been painted..ooooooo....lol. We browsed the shops, walked the pier and ate a fabulous meal of fish and chips.  
When we got home, we drove over to Jill's sisters house where there are kids EVERYWHERE~!!!  They have 2 girls, and 1 boy.  The girls are quite the characters~  Each with a VERY different type of personality!  Family pictures were due, so Heidi found this very cool red house, and we snapped a few shots!  

I hope everyone has been able to soak up some sun while its here!  Have great summer!

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