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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Crazy fun Family!!!

So this past Saturday, I had the opportunity to photograph one of the sweetest families in Calgary.  Ryan and Coreen have been close friends of ours for almost a year now. They have 2 beautiful children Zarah (like sarah but with a Z- I do have a habit of telling myself that every time I say her name) and what a munchkin she is! Kwyntin who is very much the younger sibling. He is a daddy's boy during the day, and of course a mommas boy at night. (so I've been told!)  These kids are so lucky to have such great parents, and I can honestly say they are one of the most beautiful families I've been able to capture behind my lens!! Here is a sneak peak at their session!

K- a little mischievous!


  1. Very cute Andi...as usual! Great location too!!!xo

  2. LOVE these pictures of my niece and nephew! Would you mind me posting one or two with credit to you of course! :)


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